Upcoming Events
Local field outings: Near Conifer, CO.
Next field outing will be Saturday, June 6th, 2015. Contact me for details.
Becoming a Cosmic Citizen - Radio Program
We have started a weekly online radio course based on my book, and entitled Becoming a Cosmic Citizen. The course takes the principle concepts of one or more chapters a week, and engages in a discussion of the concepts combined with audience questions and sharing. It is structured somewhat like a college course, so yes, there is homework, but it is pretty simple, a little meditation, a little introspection, some thought experiments.
You can catch the show live every Monday evening at 6PM Mountain, 8PM Easter, on the
GalacticU Radio Network at:
You can also listen to the archives at this site, or click the iTunes icon and get them delivered to your iTunes device as a podcast. More information is also available at
Past Events
Ascension Rising Conference - Sedona, AZ
Nov. 1st-3rd. 2014
I will be one of the pesenters at this conference hosted by my friend Sierra Neblina (Mary, Mother of ET in my book). Itasha (Tashina in my book) will also be presenting, she is way out of the closet now, effecting disclosure from the grassroots up, so you won't want to miss this one.
In addition to my presentation on the similarities between Preparation for Contact with our Galactic Neighbors and Preparation for Ascension, I will also be leading an Invitation for Contact meditation under the stars on Saturday Night. Many people have had amazing and even life changing experiences at these outings in the past, and we are looking forward to an amazing evening for all. The world will likely become a much more interesting place for you as you develop a whole new outlook on our place in the Universe.
Early bird special ends soon. Go to http://www.galacticu.com/ for more information.